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This is a very small portion of our inventory of trainings that we have implemented in the areas of Anger management and life skills. Anger management is actually a major life skill but its usually lost by Psychologist who charge tons of dollars to enhance issues that never get to the actual root of the problem - Pride, depression and Fear. Psychology is the study of the conscious and unconscious mind except Anger does not reside in the mind, it resides in the spirit . Gods word is the medicine that attacks each specific root of the Anger that grows with in you. Past experiences and hurts all fuel the daily activity of Anger in your life. we've encountered many in Prisons who have went through court mandated Anger management and alcohol group sessions and they still struggle daily.why? Anger dwells in the spirit and it effects the Soul {thoughts ,will and emotions} not the mind. The anguish and pain in the soul can only be reached by the Spirit. You can spend a life time addressing the different types of fruits that are making you angry but you never address the actual root that's the problem--- a depleted Spirit. we deal with the root by addressing your relationships and actions. We ask you to rid yourself of Americanized religion that's steeped in laws and wrong interpretations, Relationship with God is based on the love he has for you not practicing laws and procedures.  You must allow yourself to be open to Gods love and his word.

      when you start addressing your Anger you can expect to:

  • See your career, family life, and relationships flourish when you learn what it means to abide in Christ.

  • Start experiencing restoration of health and freedom from depression when you guard your heart from worrisome thoughts.

  • Live life restful and focused instead of worried and distracted when you prioritize doing the “one thing needful” (Luke 10:42)—feeding on God’s Word.

  • Stop dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, and live in the present where God’s supply of favor for every situation profusely abounds.

 Each cube has been developed so you can take 2 days to study each Portion and meditate on each training , {please do not rush through but read the entire chapter of each scripture that we provided} and then find yourself daily getting free by the word. thank you.


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